Talk Schedule

This 2022/schedule may change at any time before now and the start of the conference.

Time Saturday Sunday
09:15 am

Day 1 Opening Remarks

Day 2 Opening Remarks

09:30 am


Kojo Idrissa

PyTexas History and Sponsor Showcase

10:30 am Break Break
10:45 am

Managing the Test Data Nightmare

Andrew Knight

Minimum Viable Security for Python Applications

David Melamed

11:15 am

Event Driven Microservices with Flask and Apache Kafka

Dave Klein

Coding and the Mozart Effect

PJ Hagerty

11:45 am

xfail and skip: What to Do with Tests You Know Will Fail

Paul Ganssle

Making Location Based Searches with Google Places API and Elasticsearch

Jay Miller

12:15 pm Lunch Lunch
02:15 pm

Optimizing Code Performance for Python Internalsh

Yonatan Goldschmidt

Lightning Talks
02:45 pm

Great Snake Variation: Programming with python-chess

William Horton

Practical Pipelines: A Houseplant Soil Alerting System with kslDB

Danica Fine

03:15 pm Break Break
03:30 pm

Stand Back! Building a scientific computing lab on public clouds with Python

Laura Santamaria

Automating Build Tasks with Build-Magic

Chris Morrow

04:00 pm

Choosing the Right Data Types

Josh Schneider

Awesome Web Testing with Playwright

Andrew Knight

04:30 pm

Everyday Design Patterns: Observer Pattern

Aly Sivji

Closing Remarks & Raffle

05:00 pm End of Day 1 End of Day 2