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November 2023 Meetup

Mariatta presents on PEPs and PyCon US. Josh Schneider presents on writing code others have to use.

Attendance: 31 concurrent members in the Stage

Talk: PEP Talk - Mariatta

Mariatta Avatar

If you use Python, chances are you've heard of PEP 8, the Python style guide.

But do you know what PEPs really are? PEPs are more than just a style guide. A PEP stands for Python Enhancement Proposal. It's a proposal documentation for when you want to change the Python programming language in a big way, for example when you want to change the syntax of Python. Think of the addition of f-strings, the walrus operator, or the ExceptionGroup, those changes all started with a PEP.

Let's have a PEP talk, where you can learn about the PEP process, what needs a PEP and what doesn't, and how you as community members can take part.

Mariatta is a Python core developer where she focuses on improving the workflow and documentation. She is active in the Python community as an advisor for the Global PyLadies, co-founder of PyCascades, and is currently chairing PyCon US conference. For her contributions to the Python and community, she received the PSF Community Service Award in 2018 and Google Open Source Peer Bonus Award in 2017 and 2022.


Talk: Writing Code for Other People to Use - Josh Schneider

Josh Schneider Avatar

Josh has opinions! In this session, those opinions are focused on turning out code, any code, for anyone to use. We'll talk about who we mean by "other people", what we mean by "use", a recap of "Josh's 3 (make that 4) UX Design Rules", and a veritable host of suggestions and hot takes. Let's discuss, commiserate, dissent, and disagree!

Test Automation Architect, Python nerd, Improv comedy nerd, father, drinker of coffee, and quoter of movies. I love sharing ideas with people, and I am action packed with opinions like an 80's action movie.

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