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October 2023 Meetup

Charlie Marsh presents on Ruff an extremely fast Python linter, written in Rust. In this talk, Charlie talked about what makes Ruff fast, from high-level design to low-level examples.

Attendance: 29 concurrent members in the Stage

Talk: Ruff: An Extremely Fast Python Linter, Written in Rust - Charlie Marsh

Charlie Marsh Avatar

Ruff is an extremely fast Python linter, written in Rust. In this talk, we'll talk about what makes Ruff fast, from high-level design to low-level examples.

Charlie Marsh is the founder of Astral and creator of Ruff, an extremely fast Python linter, written in Rust.


Charlie gave a knowledge packed introduction to Ruff. He covered details such as lexing, concurrency, and a lot of material around compiler design that he uses to make Ruff fast.

The more detail and deeper into the code Charlie went the more excited the audience got. This was a highly technical talk and everyone was very happy for it.
