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Join the PyTexas Meetup

The PyTexas Meetup is open to anyone, not just Texans! We hold our meetings in a Discord Stage in the PyTexas Discord Server. We usually join a voice channel 15 minutes prior to the start of a meetup to chat with anyone who wants to join and then move to the stage. After the meetup we hangout in a voice channel again for anyone who wants to chat and network.

How Do I Join the PyTexas Meetup?

You can join the PyTexas Meetup by joining our Discord server!

Join the Discord

How Do I Get Notified When There is a New Meetup?

There are a few ways to be notified when there is a meetup. We announce every meetup in the Discord server, so pay attention to the #announcements channel.

You can also join our Meetup groups on

Join our Meetup Group

If you're a resident of Texas we ask that you join the PyTexas Meetup group associated with the nearest major city that we have a group for (Austin, DFW, Houston, San Antonio).

If you are not a resident of Texas, feel free to join the group in the city you like the most (or just default to Austin).

Meetup events are posted to all groups, so there is no difference in which group you sign up for. The only benefit is that we, the organizers, get an idea of where our audience is located.