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Time Tutorial Instructor
09:00am - 12:00pm Python Tools in the Real World Al Sweigart
12:00pm - 2:00pm Lunch
02:00pm - 05:00pm The new wave of Python Packaging Bernát Gábor


Time Saturday
08:00 AM Registration Opens & Breakfast
09:00 AM Day 1 Opening Remarks
09:20 AM Keynote
10:05 AM 15 Minute Break
10:25 AM Reducing the "Oops Factor": Pipelines for securing your Python Development Lifcycle on a Budget
Simon Merrick
10:55 AM Demystifying the World of Serializers (and Deserializers) for SQLAlchemy ORM Models in Python
Ritik Mathur
11:25 AM The Pythonic Ideal in The Age of Generative AI
Heather Crawford
11:55 PM SPONSOR TALK Generators: The Unsung Hero of Async Programming
Chris Anderson
12:25 PM Lunch
02:10 PM LLMs as Bug Hunters: Leveraging LLMs to Discover Python Vulnerabilities
Jessy Ayala
02:40 PM Building a Distributed Asyncio Event Loop
Chad Retz
03:10 PM Signal Processing in Electrochemistry with Python: Applications to the US Opioid Crisis
Rodrigo Silva Ferreira
03:40 PM 15-Minute Break
04:00 PM Typed and Decorated Python GUIs: Help the Language Help You
George Collins
04:30 PM Python Untethered: Building Robust Embedded Systems
Oliver Rew
05:00 PM Lightning Talks
05:45 PM Walk to Networking Event
06:00 PM Networking Event Starts
09:00 PM Networking Event Ends


Time Sunday
08:00 AM Registration Opens & Breakfast
09:00 AM Day 2 Opening Remarks
09:15 AM Keynote
Jay Miller
10:00 AM 15 Minute Break
10:20 AM Building a Test Framework From Scratch (Or Not)!
Pandy Knight
10:50 AM Place-making and Productivity: Build Maintainable Broad-scale Tools With a Small Team
Dane Hillard
11:20 AM Deploy Your Next Python App With WebAssembly (Wasm): Smaller, Safer, Faster
Dan Phillips
11:50 AM One Year In: Insights and Inspiration from my PSF Journey
Jacob Coffee
12:20 PM Lunch
02:10 PM Introduction to OpenTelemetry with Python
Jessica Garson
02:40 PM Pattern Matching in Python: A Functional Programming Perspective with match-case
Sameer Shukla
03:10 PM Verbs, Not Nouns: Writing Documentation Users Want to Read
Brian MacDonald
03:40 PM 15-Minute Break
04:00 PM Democratizing Data: Python-Powered Dashboards and Open Data for Transparent Governance in Austin
Tanvi Sharma
04:30 PM Python Meet The Crab - Friendship At First Sight?
Bernát Gábor
05:00 PM Lightning Talks
05:20 PM Closing Remarks