This talk is an introduction to the Page Object pattern, specifically geared towards how to implement page objects within Python using Selenium, why scripts break, and what costs you incur when trying to mitigate test breakage and maintenance.
In 25 minutes, we will build page objects from the ground up, showing how we can separate our concerns (i.e. configuration, environment, application under test) to maximize our reusable components. The talk introduces tools typical to the job of browser & UI automation, suggests approaches for frequently encountered web elements within applications, and finally demonstrates, specifically, how and where our page objects save effort in creating and updating our browser automation test suite.
Intermediate level talk. Attendees interested in following along should have Selenium configured as well as Python. You'll need both the Selenium stand alone server jar file and the Python module 'selenium'. If you can run the example code on this page and it successfully opens a browser window, you should be good to go:
I expect to sign up for a freeform talk during the Open Spaces period on either Saturday or Sunday, because I want to give people a chance to ask specific questions and work through real scenarios.