I've been an avid Python user since 2000 or so. Before that I mostly wrote C. A lot of my past work was in massaging data, simulating systems, or automating things. Nowadays, I spend a lot of my free time working on Python tools and libraries, particularly web stuff and as much as possible, using Python 3.
My main motivation in programming is creative expression. I want to make nice things - using pleasant tools, if possible. I've stuck with Python this long because I find it almost ideally suited: I can express my intention with little fuss, my effort is amplified, and the resulting code is readable and concise. Access to a nice ecosystem of docs, tools and libraries is just a bonus.
I also like to do things which can help people enjoy Python and get better at it. The pursuit of better quality is very important to me, as is enjoying what one does. I truly don't care how much money or how many downloads or how many terabytes. I don't care about every little thing being as fast as possible. I don't care where anyone went to school or where they work now, or for how many years, or with what title. These things don't impress me. I care about code. Whether it works, whether it's clean and sensibly organized. At a deeper level, I care about whether people are having a good time, getting better at what they do, sharing real information.