The legacy cloud factory is not equipped with tools that are fast or scalable enough for the new Internet assembly line. Tom Hatch, SaltStack founder and CTO, spent years as a cloud builder / systems administrator and in the process used most of the available systems management tools. But the tools were insufficient for the job at hand.
So Tom created Salt from his basement, written in Python, with the idea to create a new breed of tools for data center automation, beyond just configuration management. Salt and other open source tools have exploded in popularity. These new tools are built for the speed and scale of any cloud and help automate management of the entire data center stack, from infrastructure to web-scale applications.
He will also show how the new breed of open source tools are being used by web-scale DevOps teams like LinkedIn, WikiMedia and OpenStack to quickly deploy and automate infrastructure and applications. Tom will also provide a sneak peak what kinds of tools will be utilized by the cloud factories of the future.
The audience will learn how to build and maintain Internet, cloud and web-scale applications using open source software written in Python.
Status: Accepted