PyTexas 2013

Notable Features of Python

James Powell is a Python programmer residing in New York City. He is the co-organiser of the NYC Python meetup ( and has spoken at PyData SV, PyData NYC, PyTexas, PyArkansas, PyGotham, and at the NYC Python meetup. He also authors a blog on Python topics at

* This is an expanded version of the tutorial I gave last year with additional focus on generators using material I presented at PyData NYC 2012 and PyData SV 2013
Decorators, generators, and context managers are among the most useful advanced features of Python, and they can be used to model many common problems in a very robust and flexible manner.
This talk is divided into three parts: the basic details of how these features work (,) the motivation behind their inclusion in the language (,) and some clever things that can be done with them (

Status: Accepted